Project 1, Part 2: Sorting algorithm implementations


The purpose of this part of the assignment is for you to implement and test a few of the sorting algorithms we have described in class. By doing so, you should gain a complete knowledge of how the sorting algorithms work.

Project Setup

I am providing you with the code that handles all the input and output that the feedback system will use to test your sorting algorithms. To setup this project change into whatever directory you plan on working in (make sure its permissions are such that others cannot access your files) and run the following:

cp ~cs32/public_html/code/proj1_part2/* .

Running this command will provide you with four files in your current directory:

helper.cpp: This is the file that you will need to edit to provide the correct implementation for the functions described in the next section.

helper.h: This is the header file that specifies the interface to the functions contained within helper.cpp.

Makefile: This file specifies the commands to build the project. By typing make the first target, all is run that runs the command listed to compile the project. Cleanup is also defined and can be performed by running make clean.

sorted.cpp: This file contains the code to handle the input and output for the program. While not necessary for this project, you should be able to understand all the code contained in this file. I strongly recommend that you look over it and ask questions if you aren’t sure what something is doing.


All the code you need to modify is contained in the file helper.cpp and conveniently labled with TODO comments. For convenience, I will describe each of the changes you need to make.

Comparison Functions

There are three string comparison functions that the sorter program provides. A comparison function is a function that takes two arguments, I will call them lhs and rhs for left-hand-side and right-hand-side respectively. The comparison function compares the lhs to the rhs according to some criteria and returns one of the following:

  • a negative value, when the lhs is less than the rhs
  • zero, when the lhs is neither less than, nor greater than the rhs
  • a positive value, when the lhs is greater than the rhs

Note that it is up to the comparison function to define what is meant by less than and greater than. Also, note that two items may compare similarly (a return value of zero) but may in fact not be equivalent.

The first two comparison functions are already provided for you. The first is the default_comparison function that sorts strings according to the ASCII value of the first character in the string. If the first character matches between the lhs and rhs, then subsequent characters are compared until an ordering can be provided, or the strings are found to be similar. The second comparision function is is length_comparison. This function simply compares strings according to their length, with shorter strings being less than longer strings. For strings of equal length, the length_comparison function will perform a secondary comparison using the same logic as the default_comparison function previously mentioned.

The third comparison function, numerical_comparison, is one you will have to write. In the provided code, this function simply uses the same method as the default_compare function. However, you need to implement this function such that it attempts to compare the values as integer values with smaller numbers being less than larger numbers. Strings that completely represent an integer should compare less than strings that aren’t completely integers. When neither string is completely an integer, then the default comparison logic should be used.

As an example, the following items (separated by whitespace) are in their correct sort order as defined above:

-1 0 1 02 10 * 1.1 1a apple zebra

Your numerical_comparision function should produce this exact sort order for these items. I found this stackoverflow question useful in writing of the numerical comparison function.

Sorting Algorithms

There are four sorting algorithms that need to be implemented. Those are:

  • bubble_sort
  • insertion_sort
  • selection_sort
  • mergesort

The prototype for each of the sort functions is:

void sort_name(string *string_array, int n, int (*compare)(string, string));

The first argument, string_array, is a pointer to an array of strings. This variable holds the data you will need to sort. The second argument, n, is the number of elements contaned in string_array. This variable indicates how many elements you will need to sort. Finally, you may be confused about the last parameter. Many of you may never have seen a pointer to a function before. Let me break it down for you:

int (*compare)(string, string)

As I just indicated, this parameter represents a pointer to a function. Since we are in C++, we must describe exactly the prototype for the function pointer. The initial int informs the compiler (and the developer) that the function will return an integer. The (*compare) section informs the compiler that we have a function pointer, the value of which will be assigned to the variable compare. The (string, string) represents the parameters that the passed in function must take. In this case, the passed in function must take two strings as parameters.

When the sorter program is invoked, the user must select both a sorting algorithm, and a comparison function. In order to support any one of the three comparison functions in your sort algorithms you must only compare values by using the function pointed to by the compare variable. You can use compare just like any other declared function. Below is an example:

string a = "some string";
string b = "another string";
int retval = compare(a, b);

In the above, if compare is a pointer to either default_comparison or numerical_comparison, then the return value will be positive as “another string” is less than “some string” according to both those comparisons. If compare is a pointer to length_comparison, then the return value will be negative as “some string” is less (shorter) than “another string”.

You must manually write the sort algorithm for each of these. While you are free to use external resources to assist you, you may not plagiarize, and you will be expected explain any code in your submitted project. Finally, any attempt to circumvent the feedback system (such as using the same sort code in more than one of these functions) will result in a zero on the entire project 1 assignment.

Testing your program

Now that you have a wonderful script, you are expected to use it to test this project. I will describe setting up a simple test environment in a manor that does not require you to modify your script.

First, copy into the same directory as the files you previously copied. Assuming you are in the directory containing the files, run the following:

mkdir -p tests/sorter
echo -e "0\n0\nc b a" > tests/sorter/input_bubble_default_01

The second line above will produce a file with the following contents:

c b a

Note: To end the input stream you will need to press <ctrl>+d.

If you run this against sorter before making any changes, the following output will be produced:

Which sort algorithm would you like to use?
  0. bubble sort
  1. insertion sort
  2. selection sort
  3. mergesort
bubble sort selected
Which comparison function would you like to use?
  0. default
  1. string length
  2. numerical
default selected

You’ll notice that the last three lines are not sorted (you haven’t written the sorts yet). Nevertheless, you know how c b a should be sorted, thus create a file tests/sorter/output_bubble_default_01 with the following contents:

Which sort algorithm would you like to use?
  0. bubble sort
  1. insertion sort
  2. selection sort
  3. mergesort
bubble sort selected
Which comparison function would you like to use?
  0. default
  1. string length
  2. numerical
default selected

Now that you have one test case written, let’s verify that it works as expected with your script and the provided sorter program. First, if you haven’t already compiled the project, run make. Now you’ll want to run test_it. However, due to the fact that expects the programs to be found in a directory pointed to by the PATH environment variable, we will have to adjust the path as part of our command line. Assuming you’ve copied your script into the same directory as your sorter program, run the following:

PATH=$PATH:. tests/

The PATH=$PATH:. part before the command will temporarily update your path for the remainder of the command line. In this case, we are appending ., the current directory, to the end of the PATH variable. Recall that PATH components are separated by :.

When you run the above you should get the following output:

Testing sorter
Failed: bubble_default_01

Great! That means it works, but it’s not super useful as you cannot see what the errors are. Recall that your script is sending the diff output to /dev/null. If you remove the > /dev/null from the line containing diff, then the output should print to the screen (as long as you aren’t capturing the output by running the command inside $(...)). You may also want to add the -u option to your diff program invocation to get easier to read diff output. Edit your script to allow diff to output to the screen and add -u as an argument to diff. Re-run the tests. You should now see something similar to:

Testing sorter
--- ../proj1_part2/tests//sorter/output_bubble_default_01       2012-08-18 16:19:27.000000000 -0700
+++ -                                                           2012-08-18 16:23:37.800290894 -0700
@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@
   1. string length
   2. numerical
 default selected
Failed: bubble_default_01

As you can see everything matches, except the order of the lines containing a, b, and c.

That’s the basic process for creating test cases to be used with your script. You’ll want to create a few test cases for each of the combination of sorts and comparison functions. Given that there are a total of twelve combinations, you’ll probably want to write at least 36 test cases. Of course, you can build the test cases incrementally as you implement more functionality.

Submission Instructions

For this project you will only be allowed 6 submissions, and you will receive no diff output in the feedback. You are expected to extensively test your project on your own before submitting.

Again, I want to mention that any attempt to circumvent the feedback system (such as using the same sort code in more than one of the functions) will result in a zero on the entire project 1 assignment (12% of the class grade).

Finally, you will only be submitting helper.cpp. Your code must not depend on any changes you made outside helper.cpp. Additionally, all the input and output is handled by the already provided code. Thus the code you write should not produce any output when the debug variable is false.

To submit, run the following:

~cs32/submit pj1part2@cs32 helper.cpp

You may submit up to 6 times. Please check the feedback email to ensure you submitted correctly, and are satisfied with your final score. If you are not, feel free to revise and submit again. Please also review the automated feedback instructions as needed.


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