Project 1, Part 1: Automating Input / Output Testing


Software testing is incredibly crucial in the real-world software development cycle. Customers of a product want to be assured that, as the product is improved (adding features, fixing bugs, optimizing), existing functionality continues to work. When software gains complexity, such testing becomes incredibly tedious to perform manually. Thus, many companies implement some sort of automated testing as part of their development and product release cycles. With automated testing, developers need only write the tests for a specific feature once, and then the tests can be used throughout the lifecycle of the product.

Testing software, whether by manually executing the software or by writing tests for an automated testing framework, is a skill that needs to be exercised just as much as programming. Thus, in this project, you are going to write a basic input/output based automated testing tool. The end-goals are that you will adapt this tool for your needs in future assignments, exercise your test writing ability, and discover bugs in the code you write.

Input/output testing

Input/output testing is a type of end-to-end testing that can be used to test programs that produce consistent output over multiple runs of the program with the same set of inputs. Recall that input to a program can be command line arguments, the standard input file stream, and a few others such as environment variables. For this project, we will only concern ourselves with the standard input file stream.

In input/output testing, we want to enumerate as many inputs as we can, and associate them with the output that we expect. For instance, if we are testing the program wc using only the standard input stream (no command line arguments), we will want to test a variety of file sizes.

Writing test case inputs

We’ll start by considering ways to test wc with a zero byte file:

  1. Redirecting standard input from /dev/null

     $ wc < /dev/null
           0       0       0
  2. Piping the output of echo -n (-n means no ending new-line)

     $ echo -n | wc
           0       0       0
  3. With a zero byte file

     $ touch input_zero_byte_file
     $ wc < input_zero_byte_file
     0 0 0

Using the last method, creating a file called input_zero_byte_file, allows us to save our input state with some descriptive name so that we can re-test the program without having to manually re-type the input stream. Let’s take this a step further.

First, create a directory wc to save our tests in and move the existing test to the directory:

mkdir wc
mv input_zero_byte_file wc/

Now, create a number of test files for various word count lenghts:

echo "one" > wc/input_one_word
echo "one two" > wc/input_two_words
echo "one two three" > wc/input_three_words

Writing test case outputs

Great! We now have the input files for four tests of the program wc. Now we need to define the expected output for each test. For each input file you should manually create a corresponding file prefixed with output_ that contains the expected output of wc on the input file. Below is how we can create output_one_word:

echo "1 1 4" > wc/output_one_word

You might wonder why we don’t just use wc to generate the output. Normally you won’t be testing a program that has already been written. Instead, you will be testing a program that you are in the process of writing. Thus, you should always manually create your output files.

Running the test cases

Now that we have input files and corresponding output files, we want to actually run tests against wc. We will do that by feeding wc an input file, and comparing the output to the expected output. We will use the exit status of the program diff to tell us whether or not the programs are identical. For the program diff, an exit status of 0 means the files are identical, and we’ll consider any other exit status a failure.

For the test case three_words we can run the following:

wc < wc/input_three_words | diff wc/output_three_words - > /dev/null
echo $?

In the above command, we feed the test file input_three_words to wc. The output of that command is then piped into the program diff. The - argument to diff means to use the standard input stream as the second file in the comparision. We redirect diff’s output to /dev/null because, for this project, we actually don’t care what the diff output is. We’re only concerned if it matches the expected output or not. This information is contained in $?, the exit status of the previous command.

Summing up the input/output testing

Up to this point, we have described input/output testing by detailing how to write test cases (input and output files), and how to use these test cases to verify the program behaves as expected. Combined with the knowledge of shell scripting you gained from lab 1, you should now be able to write a shell script to automatically run all the test cases in a given directory for some program.

The automated testing tool

The bourne shell script you write should be called You can prepare the script like so:

echo '#!/bin/sh' >
chmod +x

The script should accept a single argument DIRECTORY that points to a directory containing zero or more subdirectories. Your script should iterate over all the subdirectories of DIRECTORY, ignoring any other files. The name of each subdirectory indicates the name of an external program that your script will perform automated testing on. We will refer to each of these directories as a test directory. For each test directory your script should ouput Testing {PROGRAM}, replacing {PROGAM} with the appropriate external program name.

Within each test directory, there should be zero or more test cases written as described in the previous section. For each test, your script needs to output whether the test Passed or Failed.

For instance, if is in the same directory as the wc folder we created previously, then running ./ . should produce exactly the following:

Testing wc
Passed: one_word
Passed: three_words
Passed: two_words

If we modified either wc/input_two_words, or wc/output_two_words so that the two_words test no longer passed, then the output should be:

Testing wc
Passed: one_word
Passed: three_words
Failed: two_words

Missing output files

While your shell script should ignore any files not beginning with input_ in each test directory, the script should produce a warning message when there is no corresponding output_ file for a given input_ file.

For example, if we add the files input_something, input_unknown, and something_to_ignore to the wc folder, the output should be exactly the following:

Testing wc
Passed: one_word
No output file for wc test 'something', skipping
Passed: three_words
Failed: two_words
No output file for wc test 'unknown', skipping

Complete example

If we have the directory the_tests with the following structure:


then running the_tests will produce the following output if the wc test two_words is the only failing test:

Testing sha1sum
Passed: test_1
Passed: test_2
Testing wc
Passed: one_word
No output file for wc test 'something', skipping
Passed: three_words
Failed: two_words
No output file for wc test 'unknown', skipping

Error conditions

There are two error conditions for the shell script. If either condition isn’t met, your script should output the corresponding error message, and exit with status code 1. On success, your script should exit with status code 0. The following are the error conditions and associated error messages:

  • The number of command line arguments is not exactly 1:

      Usage: DIRECTORY
  • The provided DIRECTORY is not a directory (replace {DIRECTORY} with whatever value was input as a command line argument):

      {DIRECTORY} is not a directory

Submission instructions

~cs32/submit pj1part1@cs32

Please also review the automated feedback instructions as needed.


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