Building A Web Based Chat Step 1: Start with the html file provided. Step 2: Grab information from the file and put in textarea Step 3: Process form submission to add a line to the file Step 4: Use AJAX to pull file at regular time intervals Step 5: Use AJAX for form submission Function Notes: php phpinfo ( ) error_reporting ( level ) E_ALL | E_STRICT ini_set ( key, value ) display_errors is_writable ( file ) isset ( variable ) file_put_contents ( file, string ) file_get_contents ( file ) javascript XMLHttpRequest ( ) | ActiveXObject ( "Msxml2.XMLHTTP" | "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ) onreadystatechange 0 The request is not initialized 1 The request has been set up 2 The request has been sent 3 The request is in process 4 The request is complete open ( method, url, asynchronously ) send ( data ) responseText document focus scrollTop scrollHeight readonly value setTimeout ( function, milliseconds )